Touching on Everything and Anything

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Last play of Friday night's Yankee game

For anyone who watched the entire Yankee vs. Met game Friday night you probably all know the play I am talking about. With the Yankees down by a run and two outs in the bottom of the ninth with men on first and second A Rod hits a pop up which is dropped by the Mets seccond baseman allowing two runs to score. This gave the Yankees a dramatic win. I just wanted to break this play down because it says a lot about different ways that the game of baseball is played.
It is easy to point the finger at Louis Castillo, the second baseman, for dropping the pop up partially due to the fact that he did not use two hands. That is just little league stuff, you get under the ball and use one hand to help shut your glove around the ball when the time comes. He is not the only player who needs to be analyzed during this crazy play, you can also look at the role that Texiera, the runner on first, and Arod, the batter played.
For Mark Texiera to score on this pop up is just astounding to me. He hustled on contact, meaning he took off in a full sprint the seccond that Arod made contact. This is also something that we learn in little league, when there are two outs you are supposed to run once someone hits the ball regardless of whether it looks like an out or a base hit. The number of players who actually put in this effort seems to be constantly shrinking. Players who may slow to a trot when the ball appears catchable are just all too common. Tex broke that trend by hustling the whole way through the play.
A Rod's role in this play has not been the topic of much conversation but I still do feel that it needs to be looked at. The second he made contact with the ball he angrily threw his bat and took a slow trot. Another little league mistake that way too many professional ball players make, you should always hustle out of the batters box even if at first it may look like an easy out. For the money that A Fraud is getting paid can we please see some hustle out of the batters box?

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