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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bernie Madoff still not in prison

After defrauding wealthy investors and countless charities Bernie Madoff still sleeps in his penthouse apartment. This is due to the fact that the judge looking through his case determined that Madoff is not a danger to the public or a risk to run away before his trial date. I agree with both of these things that the judge decided but does this man deserve the luxury that he gets to live in during his house arrest period? I would say no.
One of the things that irritates me most about Madoff living in his penthouse apartment awaiting trial is the fact that he has hired a security force to protect him from angry people outside. One can logically assume that the money that he spent to hire this security force is the money that he received from investors and went on to in effect steal from them. So to simplify what is going on, the people that Bernie Madoff defrauded are paying for his protection while he awaits trial. Something is very wrong with this picture.
Madoff is also wearing a bullet proof vest on his way from his house arrest location to the court room where his trial is taking place. I can see the need for this as many people are waiting outside his home for the chance to tear him apart. Something that is wrong with him wearing the vest is the way that he does so.
Many criminals on their way into court who do wear bullet proof vests wear them under their clothing so that they are not noticeable to everyone around them. It seems like Bernie wants to be the center of attention because his vest is clearly visable on the outside of his clothing so that he can become even more of a story than he already is. BREAKING NEWS MADOFF WEARS BULLET PROOF VEST ON WAY TO COURT!
It is given that this man will be spending a very long time in prison and these days may be some of the very last days that he spends as a somewhat free person. A more fitting way to spend these days would be for him to spend them out of his penthouse apartment. For all the money he has stolen and for all the people he has defrauded he should be in a cell awaiting his trial and not in a penthouse apartment in NYC.

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