Touching on Everything and Anything

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lost season 5 set to begin

There are really only one or two TV series that I follow on a very close basis. One show is The Amazing Race because my grandma also enjoys it and it is interesting to see all of the cultures from around the world as teams compete in a relay race to win a one million dollar prize. The latest series just ended this past fall.
The seccond series that I follow on a very close basis is LOST which starts its fifth season tonight. Here is a quick link to a video that can do a better job of describing this series with several deep plot lines better than I ever could.
I think this series apeals to me because I am someone who likes to think outside the box and at hypothetical situations that could have taken place but never have. LOST is an example of a series that appeals to me based on the fact that it is vague about many of the details and the writers allow you to form your own conclusions and predictions for what you feel will happen next.
Another thing that I like about LOST is the fact that the character development in this series is second to none. You feel like you know the characters and that they are members of your immediate family. I have begun almost rooting in an odd way for characters to make certain decisions that I believe would make the storyline more interesting than I already find it.
So as season 5 begins tonight I don't know what to expect but I know whatever it is, it will be good.

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