Touching on Everything and Anything

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Body Language speaks volumes

This is a topic that I have addressed before and am going to address again. Like it or not people are judged and assumptions are drawn based on the way they appear in public. The last time I talked to people about this issue was during the Vick trial where he appeared lackadaisical and care free during his trial for charges of dog fighting. If a person enters a trial in this manner then I feel the result of the trial should be affected accordingly. This theory also works in the reverse fashion like when a person shows remorse and a willingness to change during a trial, they should be judged a bit more leniently.
The body language I want to take a look at is the body language of the 18 year old Somalian pirate who is going to be tried for holding a cargo ship hostage and shooting at the captain of the ship. The photo is of the young pirate being led to a federal building in New York. The federal agents that are leading him look very serious about their responsibilities and understanding of the fact that they have an important job to perform. The pirate seems to have a grin on his face. This makes me question wether of not this young man understands how bad a crime he is being tried for. I don't think he understands because he has been raised in a pirate culture where these type of actions are common practice that should not be punished.
I was talking to someone about the pirate the other day and he made the point that he feels somewhat bad for the pirate because he was raised so poorly. I can understand this logic because he did not have the opportunity to be raised properly.
Another theory is that this pirate is smiling to show his bravery and the fact that he will not be scared by the federal agent's tactics. I can understand this but I still feel that this simple display of body language shows a lack of understanding for the severity of his actions. This lack of understanding makes some sense because again the way he was raised has not taught him that his actions are wrong.

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