Touching on Everything and Anything

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Problem with Tea Parties

As many people know we just celebrated Patriots Day. Some people took this opportunity to stage 'tea party protests'. Originally the tea party was to protest taxation without representation that was taking place during that time of British rule. When people are staging reenactments of the tea party in the year 2009 with the point to show that they still are not being represented I have a problem with it.
At this point in time we vote for our president. That means that the population is being represented by the elected officials who enter political seats. These tea parties that are taking place are not as much anger over people not being represented but instead opportunities for people to score points against the Obama tax plans. Let's take a closer look into that, what type of people are protesting Obama's plans?
The people protesting are the people who make over a quarter million dollars a year. They are the people who stayed quiet during the eight years of the Bush administration where there incomes were more protected and now are claiming that they are not being represented. Just because you may not be pleased with the system that is in place this does not translate into you being under-represented.
The use of a tea party to express your anger with the current system does not make sense. If you want to hold a protest expressing that you are being over taxed that is your right. Holding a protest that expresses the fact that you are not being represented does not make sense because the system we live in, like it or not, is an accurate representation of the choices that the majority of voters make.

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