Touching on Everything and Anything

Monday, March 9, 2009

Dislike for a home player

As most of you know I am a huge sports fan. Whether it be the Rangers, Yankees or Giants I am one who is devoted to his teams. I try to watch every game I can for all of my teams and for the most part I support all of my teams players. I say for the most part because there is one player in particular who I will never root for or respect as a person. Even the guys who are known across the league as not so great people I still find myself able to root for them (people like Plaxico Burress and Sean Avery). One person I will never root for is Alex Rodriguez.
An athlete who I have never been able to bring myself around to fully root for is Eli Manning. I have great respect and amazement for what he did two years ago in the Giants run to the Super Bowl. I know that the Giants could have never made this run without him and still to this day do not understand what happened and how he transformed for that four game playoff run.
At times I am frustrated by Eli and the way he plays. He doesn't do it as much any more but it used to drive me crazy when he would throw off his back foot into an opposition's hands. In more recent times what ticks me off about Eli's performance is the fact that he can not play in windy environments. He overcame some of his problems in the cold but he still has yet to understand how to throw in the wind. I am not saying this is an easy thing to do but, as an NFL QB this is something he should be able to learn.
You can see I am frustrated with certain aspects of Eli's game but with A Rod it is a different kind of frustration. There are multiple parts of my frustration with A Rod, it is not one thing that he does but rather a combination of the way he plays and his off the field behavior. The first reason, and biggest reason, why I can't stand the guy is because he does not and will never know how to play in the clutch. Whenever he is up in a key spot and the Yankees need him to get on base he either strikes out or grounds into a double play.
A second thing thing that really ticks me off about A Rod is that he is not a very genuine or loyal person. There are many examples I could turn to to prove this point but the most obvious one is that if he was playing in the WBC this year he would be playing for the Dominican Republic. There are several problems I have with this and the first is that just a few short years ago A Rod played for team USA in the first WBC. Make up your mind already! You were born and raised in this country I feel you should play for the US but I understand if you choose to play for your parent's home nation.
This shows the phonyness that goes into A Rod. He does not know who or what he is. I really could never picture not liking one of my home players as much as I dislike Alex Roidriguez.

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