Touching on Everything and Anything

Friday, March 27, 2009

The George Webber Murder Story

As many may know about at this point WABC radio host George Webber was found murdered in his Brooklyn apartment. Pretty tragic story, but it gets worse. It wasn't the opinions of Webber that led some irate listener killing him but rather some of Webber's own doing. The person that killed Webber was sixteen year old John Katehis. The details that led to how Webber and Katehis came to meet bring to light what I feel is the true story behind this brutal killing.
Webber met Katehis on the popular web page Webber exchanged emails with the teen after the teen responded to an ad left on craigslist looking for a sexual partner and this eventually led to the two scheduling a meeting at Webber's Brooklyn apartment. During this meeting the drugged up teen stabbed Webber to death. Many see it as insensitive to place any blame on a dead person for the events that led to his death but in this case I do place some blame on Webber for the events that took place.
I would call craigslist the wild wild west of the internet. By that I mean that it is completely unmonitored and very dangerous if not used in a careful manner. I have used craigslist before for buying and selling tickets and make sure to meet people in very public places where the chances of something going wrong are much lower. I would never have someone show up at my house for any kind of transaction let alone any kind of sexual encounter.
What kind of people do you think you are going to have showing up at your home when you place ads for sexual partners on an unmonitored web page? Creeps is the obvious answer to that question. That was exactly what Webber had showing up at his house a freak. This teen's myspace page had pictures of him with knives up to his neck and other gruesome poses.
People need to be more responsible when using the internet and this story is really an example of this fact. For some reason I can not understand people see posting and interacting through the internet as something safe. Maybe it is due to the fact that people still see it as just a screen and not an actual gateway to the rest of the world. So please, surf safely.

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