Touching on Everything and Anything

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Obama on the youth of the country

One of the reasons that I voted for Obama had to do with the faith he had in the younger generation to do well and once again make America a competitive force in the world. I feel that he realizes the fact that our schools in some cases have not properly prepared or motivated kids to become successful people once they reach the 'real world'. I may not agree with all of his views on how we should go about modifying the school system but his vision is something that I can not argue with.
One thing that Obama plans on doing is developing a system where the 'better teachers' are better compensated based on their teaching skills. I know that he wants to include parent input in the process of selecting which teachers receive the bonuses, a step that I feel is in the right direction. If the compensation system is based solely on test scores then one teacher may be compensated better just based on the fact that her students may be naturally good test takers. With input from the parents in the compensation system a better picture of the teacher is painted and compensation can be adjusted accordingly.

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