Touching on Everything and Anything

Friday, February 27, 2009

Bishop Richard Williamson denies aspects of the Holocaust

Seeing a story like this really makes me sick. How can someone in a position of power in the church do something so short sighted and ignorant. He is in a position where many people respect him and listen to what he has to say. If he was some bum on a street corner saying things like this it would be frustrating but the fact that it is a respectable person saying things like this is the most irritating aspect of the story. Someone with an education and one would hope an understanding of a peaceful ways should have more common sense than to be so blatantly irresponsible.
The exact statement that the Bishop made had to do with him not believing the fact that Hitler intended to kill the Jews and the fact that there were most likely no gas chamber usage at Auschwitz concentration camp. He is being prosecuted in Germany where Holocaust denial is a crime and can lead to jail time. He went on to apologize for the comments that he made and that is what I want to go further into, when an apology is legitimate and when it is being used just to try and save face.
In this case I feel the apology is being used to save face and hopefully keep himself a position in the clergy. When someone makes a comment so blatant and harsh for example, him not believing that any gas chambers were used at Auschwitz a person is showing their true colors. If someone has a slip up and says or does something irresponsible that is not as blatant their apologies can be quite legitimate. An example of a legitimate apology is if you are hanging out with a few friends and someone tells an off color joke that hits a nerve with someone. If this person realizes what just happened and issues an apology on the spot to you I feel it is legitimate based on the timeliness of the apology and the fact that they are able to grasp the fact that they may have hurt someone and want to do something about it.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

To Legalize and Tax Marijuana?

California is a state faced with problems stemming from their massive budget deficit and problems with their internal electric systems. There is now an idea to help to remove a good piece of the deficit and it involves the legalization of marijuana. The piece of legislation would legalize pot in California with a fee of 50 dollars per ounce purchased. I have mixed feelings on how effective this idea would be.
Looking at this from a strictly business perspective and not bringing into account weather or not people feel it is right or wrong to legalize it I am not sure it would make much sense. I am not a marijuana farmer but after asking a friends I found out that an average price for an ounce of marijuana would be about 300 bucks. For this legal marijuana to be sold at a price that consumers would still consider buying it would have to be produced for under 250 dollars an ounce. If the marijuana being sold by the state costs more than this amount then people will not buy from the state because there is no difference between buying from their friendly dealer or the state of California. I don't know how much it would cost to plant an ounce of marijuana but if it is under 250 dollars, I have a feeling that it is, then this bill would make economic sense.
The next issue has to do with the way in which people view the use of marijuana and if the state of California is ready to see it legalized. I feel the answer to this question is absolutely yes. I feel people are more comfortable now with admitting that they have smoked marijuana because there is less of a stigma associated with it than before. Look at the past three presidents of the country; Obama, Bush, and Clinton have all admitted to using marijuana at one point or another and they still were elected to the highest office in the country. My feeling is that if alcohol is legal then marijuana should be too, especially if it can help take care of some of our country's debt in doing so. Will I buy marijuana if it were legalized - no it's not for me but, I am sure there are many people out there who will buy if marijuana were legalized (both current smokers and those who want to try something new now that it is legal).

Monday, February 23, 2009

As the Rangers continue to slump Renny is fired

The Rangers have lost 10 of their last 12 games and things did not appear to be getting any better. They have looked flat and played with little to no inspiration in their last several games. The mental lapses have been obvious with the too many men on the ice penalties and unforced give aways in their own zone (thank you Wade Redden). Two legends were honored at MSG Sunday night and what did the Rangers do to show their respect to these greats? They played a game devoid of any inspiration and desire to win and lost to one of the worst teams in the league.
The look of Tom Renny's face after the game summed up alot of what the team had been going through. It was a look that showed utter disappointment and a loss for ideas on how to improve the team. The Rangers had to do something, they could have made a major deal before the approaching deadline but they opted to fire head coach Tom Renny. I can see why they would do this because I feel it is a coaches job to inspire a team to some extent which Renny did very little of. A lot of the responsibility is on the players to motivate themselves but a large part of a coach's job is to provide that little bit of extra motivation that I don't feel Renny was providing any more.
The Rangers now turn to head coach John Tortorella to turn the season around. I see him as having a much fiery personality as compared to Renny who also appeared calm and lackadaisical at some points. The first thing that the new coach has to do is get on the good side of some of the core verteran players namely; Drury, Gomez, and Redden. These are the players with the most time remaining on their contracts
The thing that frustrated me the most about this Ranger team before today was the fact that they are a team that makes the playoffs every year but does not have the ability to leave the seccond round. The playoff appearances give management the idea that the team does not need an overhaul (although they did get rid of Shanahan and Jagr this past off season, man I would like Jagr-esque player on the team right now, maybe we would have a player on our team with over 18 goals).
So the big question; Will the Rangers dumping of Renny help to improve the team? I say yes based on how Tortorella is known as a coach who has a more offensive system compared to the defensive minded Renny approach. With the Rangers lack of a dominant goal scorer they need to center their system more on offense to get every goal they really need. They also have a premier goaltender so they can let up on the D to some extent and still be safe. The Rangers need more then a coaching change though, this is a good first step but there are other changes needed that I will go further into in future blog posts.

Cop fatally shoots man who wouldn't put hands up

I wrote a few days ago about how upsetting the situation in Philadelphia has been of late with all of the cop shootings taking place and in this story we almost had another cop shooting on our hands in the wonderful city of Philly. A man was assaulted late Friday night in Philly and he gave a description of his assailant to officers. When the cops saw someone matching the description and tried to question him he took off running. They repeatedly asked him to remove his hands from his pockets and when he finally did he had a gun in his hands. This is when the cops shot at the man and he died.
This situation is eerily similar to the situation where an officer was the one shot to death just last week. The only difference is that in this case the cop was quick and decisive enough to take action and kill the assailant. I have to say in this story I am 100% on the side of the police officers. The person that they were chasing was not an innocent person, if he was there would have been no reason for him to take off in the first place. The seccond this savage pulls out a gun on an officer all the rules go out the window and the officers have every right to shoot at him.
In this situation we got lucky that there was not another cop killed. The new regulations about cops and situations when the can and when they can not discharge their weapons have gone too far. The people that are benefited most by the rules and regulations are the criminals themselves because they are well aware that cops have very limited circumstances where they can do anything to them. This raises the probability of a criminal trying to run away and endanger others because there are limited actions that a cop can do in many situations.
One thing that really irritates me about this story is the title of the article; "Cop fatally shoots man who wouldn't put hands up". It makes the cop sound like a trigger happy person who could not wait to fire off some rounds. The message that they were chasing a criminal and that the criminal pulled a gun on them is not conveyed in the title of the article. To me this is very irresponsible reporting and it conveys an unfair first impression when reading the article.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My take on the new Yankee Stadium

As an avid Yankee fan I can not wait to see the new stadium. This does not mean that I was in favor of them building one in the first place because the old Yankee Stadium was one of baseball's shrines and should have been kept active. I don't see Fenway or Wrigley going away any time soon and Yankee Stadium should have been the same way. I will even admit that the food and luxury amenities at the old Yankee Stadium stunk but, that is one of the reasons I loved it so much, let me explain.
When I go to a ball game I go to watch the game, not to sip high priced cocktails and mingle with people while watching the game on a TV screen inside the stadium. At the old Yankee Stadium there was not much to do inside the stadium other than sitting in your seats and watching the game. With the stadium this way it drew fans, like myself, that enjoyed this type of atmosphere of pure baseball with few distractions. I feel that the new Yankee Stadium may have too many distractions that cater to a different kind of fan base.
The new stadium will have things like luxury, outdoor and party suites, club seats, a martini bar, steakhouse and picnic areas. As a baseball purist these things are all garbage in my opinion. It takes away from the game that is being played on the field itself and that is just a shame. I understand why the Yankees built this new atmosphere in the new stadium, the almighty dollar, but that does not make what they are doing right.
Apparently I am not the fan that the Yankees are looking for . When I go to a game I take the train to avoid the crazy parking prices. Then I eat some dinner across the street from the stadium near Stan's sports bar. The hot dogs are two dollars as opposed to the 5 or 6 bucks you pay once you cross the street. I also bring food and a drink with me into the ball park itself. I never buy any kind of souvenir from inside the stadium (if I want something I would just get it from the local Moddell's). The games that I do go to are part of the 11 game package where the upper deck seats are only 5 bucks.
Seeing everything about the new Yankee Stadium goes pretty much directly against what I enjoy as a fan. Don't get me wrong the 56 by 101 foot high def video screen in the outfield will be nice but the atmosphere will not be the same as the old Yankee Stadium that I came to love.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Outrage over Philly police murders

Over the past few days some people have expressed anger and have began protests over the cartoon that ran this past Wednesday in the New York Post. The cartoon depicts two police officers looking at each other after one shot a chimp and saying to his friend, "They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill". The cartoon artist has been called racist for comparing Obama to a chimp but his defense is that he was going for the angle of monkey business and not a racial angle. I can understand being upset over this cartoon but is being outraged and going on an all out war against the Post needed?
I am not trying to defend this cartoon in any way shape or form but if you are going to be outraged over something there are a lot more egregious things going on every day that get over looked by many individuals. How about the situation in Philadelphia, there is what I would call a crisis taking place there right now in the recent murder rate of the police officers. When I hear about a tragic murder of an officer in the line of duty it seems that all too often the City of Philagelphia is at the center of the story.
The recent tragedy was the murder of Officer John Pawlowski who was shot to death on Valentines Day by Rasheed Scrugs. Pawlowski was going to break up a street fight that had began and was shot twice by Scrugs with his partner being injured in the ambush as well. And what do you know this wasn't Scrugs first brush with the law. He has a decade-long rap sheet includes several aliases and multiple arrests for theft, robbery and gun crimes.
The fact that this man was free and had a gun of his own is something that I am outraged over. I am outraged over something like this because it caused the loss of an officers life and is just the latest example of the crisis in Philadelphia. It seems that many of the citizens lack any respect for the officers that are in place for their own safety. It further upsets me because I know that this will not be the last time that any of this garbage happens because it has been such a continuous problem in that area.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Violent Chimp Attack in Stamford CT

I have been following this story for the past few days and it really is a crazy one. A 200 pound pet chimpanzee had to be shot by police on Sunday after without explanation attacked someone who pulled into the chimp owner's driveway. From what I have read so far it appears that this chimp was raised by its owner like a son and this was the first violent outburst that the animal had ever had.
The way this animal attacked the victim was absolutely crazy. The chimp dug its fingers into the eye sockets of the woman and pulled her face apart. I did some reading about chimps and apparently they can have up to five times the upper body strength of a full grown adult. The victim needed surgery to remake her face following the ambush and still is not ready to leave the hospital.
Just like any news story there are always little twists and turns that come out over time. One of the twists in this story that I find interesting is the fact that the chimp's owner gave the animal tea with a Xanax pill mixed into it earlier in the day due to aggressive moods that it was displaying on that particular day. It frustrates me that the owner could be naive enough to think that Xanax would work on a chimp the same way it works on a human to have a calming effect. The pill was not developed for chimp usage and their is no telling what kind of effects it would have on the animal.
The chimp seems to have been raised in a very loving way by its owner but, did it ever occur to her that she could have adopted a child or gotten married and started a human family?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Not to brag or anything like that but my blog has been getting fairly popular and so along with that popularity comes some perks. One of those perks is that from time to time I do get to interview some fairly big celebrities.

Many people saw the A Rod press conference which was quite massive down in Tampa this afternoon. Alex was kind enough to sit down with me and field some more questions following the general press conference.

Greg: Alex, thank you so much for taking the time to sit with me and answer a few questions.

A Rod: Thanks Greg, I really want to use this as an opportunity to make myself look like less of a douche than I actually am

Greg: That’s great A Rod, now you stated before that you were not being honest with yourself during an interview on NBC, what is to say that you are being honest with us now?

A Rod: Good question, honesty is such a relative term, does it really matter if I am being honest with everyone? You know I think Shakespeare said it best, “Love thyself last: cherish those hearts that hate thee; Corruption wins not more than honesty.”

Greg: Uhhhh, okay then. What kind of a message are you sending to kids through your actions?

A Rod: I’m not a role model, I have never met one child who looks up to me and says, “A Rod you are my hero”, and parents gotta do a better job and control their damn kids

Greg: Not too sure about the role model thing Alex but let’s keep this moving, You looked pretty emotional when talking about your team mates and what you are putting them through can you comment further on that?

A Rod: I am a great team player and I always will be, I come through in the clutch like it’s my job and every team mate I have loves me for it.

Greg: Well I am not sure about your clutch performance, in the past three playoff appearances you have hit a combined .136

A Rod: Hey now, don’t start throwing numbers around, those are meaningless in meaningless situations

Greg: Whatever, Why would you be sorry if you don’t consider what you did cheating?

A Rod: I’m sorry I got caught, plain and simple, and that’s it. I’m not sorry I did roids.

Greg: Wow, You mention your cousin a lot, do you feel like you are throwing him under the bus?

A Rod: That’s just terrible, why would I throw my own flesh and blood under a moving automobile. I am simply shifting any blame I can in his direction, no manslaughter would ever take place.

Greg: I know you are a very busy man I have just one more question, do you feel this steroid issue is over?

A Rod: Oh it’s over and I refuse to answer any more steroid questions, I have a date with Madonna, I’ve got to run.

US Postal Service: where is it headed?

Some things I really feel are better the old fashion way. One of those things is taking a walk to the mailbox outside my house to find a letter from a friend or family member. I don't know exactly what it is but it is so much better than opening up your email. It could have to do with having a hard piece of paper in your hand or it may have something to do with the fact that I know when I get a letter from a friend they put more planning into this than they did an ordinary email. These are some of the reasons that I am not happy to see the US Postal Service in trouble.
When the internet first went mainstream I don't feel the postal service saw it as a huge threat but slowly but surly email crept up and now it has passed the postal service in terms of popularity and ease of usage. You don't have to leave your house or spend money on a stamp and due to this and many other factors email has taken over and the postal service needs help.
On May 11th the postal service is raising its prices by another two cents, bringing the cost of a postage stamp to 44 cents. Something that the postal service is doing is selling something known as forever stamps which can be used forever no matter what the price of a stamp may be. If you are like me and still like to send and receive letters every once in a while this is a good chance to stock up on stamps
Some people see the USPS as useless at this point in time but again there is something classically personal about sending someone a letter or a card for their birthday. I mean look at it this way, which would you be happier to get for your birthday; a card in the mail or a facebook wall post/email? Some people are not 'big into birthdays' but, coming from someone who does appreciate being acknowledged on their birthday I can tell you that I would rather get that card than the facebook wall post or email.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Octuplet Mom: She Asked For It, She Got It

Most people know by now the story of Nadya Suleman who recently gave birth to an amazing 8 kids. She already had 6 kids before giving birth to the 8 bringing her to an astounding total of 14 kids. Kids are a great thing if you plan for them in advance and make sure that you are in a stable enough situation to run a family. From reading through some news stories I have serious questions about whether or not Nadya Suleman was prepared to raise this kind of a family.
Nadya Suleman visited a fertility clinic where she was artificially inseminated prior to giving birth to the octuplets. She did not visit the fertility clinic because she had any kind of issue getting pregnant, as we can see from her previous six kids, but instead due to the fact that she was divorced and did not have a partner to father the children. So now what we have on our hands is a single mother on her own attempting to raise her 14 kids. I do mean that she is on her own as her own mother said, "She already has six beautiful children, why would she do this?" and continued to say, "I'm struggling to look after her six. We had to put in bunk beds, feed them in shifts and there's children's clothing piled all over the house."
So I was already questioning the responsibility level of Nadya when I heard she was attempting to raise eight children as a single mother. I further questioned her responsibility when I read that taxpayers are already providing her with $490 a month in food stamps. How could a person even consider having more children when they are strugling enough as it is with the six children they already have? Having one more kid is not a good idea but having eight more kids through the in vitro fertilization process is a preposterous one.
People in California are upset and rightfully so. Some of their hard earned tax money is going to someone who abused the system. I am concerned about the kids as well because it is hard enough to raise a family of three on your own as a single mother but I don't think that it is possible for a single mother on food stamps to raise 14 kids. I believe that the funds currently going to Nadya should be cut because anyone who abuses the system in the way that she has done is not deserving of assistance from the public.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

$15M Lawsuit claims Roberto Alomar had sex knowing he had AIDS

This is a story that I am surprised is not getting as much attention as it would usually get from media outlets. The media is usually all over stories that show people that are quickly rising to the top and or in the case, falling to the bottom. The New York Daily News reports that Roberto Alomar's girlfriend is suing him for 15 million dollars for insisting on having unprotected sex without informing her that he had full blown AIDS.
The description of the kind of health that Alomar is in is almost scary as it is portrayed in this article. The lawsuit that Alomar was first tested in 2006 when he was suffering from cough and chronic fatigue. It also said that he was foaming at the mouth and had his skin starting to turn purple. As anyone can see if the allegations are true we are not talking about HIV but instead, full blown AIDS symptoms.
This whole situation leads me to question why he would insist on having unprotected sex if he knew that he had the AIDS virus? I understand that sex can be more enjoyable without any kind of protection but what a slime ball to insist on having unprotected sex knowing that there is a high risk of passing a deadly virus along to your partner.
I understand where his ex is coming from in her attempt to sue him for the potential disease that he carelessly exposed her to but, is 15 million dollars a reasonable amount? In all of these cases that come up where there is potential risk being sued over I feel that the amounts can be quite extravagant. It is difficult to find a formula where a reasonable amount to sue over could be reached because there are so many different factors in every case.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mexican violence leaves 1 soldier, 20 others dead

It is always pretty disturbing to see a story like this one. How drugs and the trade of drugs can lead to such violence and death for those involved. It may sound cliche but it is not only the drug traders that are getting killed in these situations; it is all of the families that are losing husbands, sons and daughters. The tragic aspect of the drug trade is not what I want to focus on, what I want to talk about is the potential effect that this can have on the United States and our subsequent relations with Mexico.
When you look at where this violence took place you may think to yourself, boy that is awfully close to the United States border. This took place in Juarez, Mexico and if you look at the link I attached with this story you can see that it is just a stones throw from San Antonio, Texas. Is it a coincidence that this violence took place in this area of Mexico and not in some other section of the country? I don't think so.
Since this is taking place between rival drug gangs near the US border I assume that some of the drugs that these gangs are in possession of are ultimately intended to be smuggled into our country. The amount of violence that takes place on a continual basis based on the drug trade in this area is simply astounding. Last year at one point in a town near Juarez two consecutive police chiefs were murdered in their attempt to crack down on the drug trading taking place. The majority of the police force then quit in fear of their lives and in an emergency effort the Mexican militarily had to step in to restore order.
If this kind of drug trafficking violence can take place so close to our borders then what is stopping these people from sneaking over our borders and bringing the violence with them? This can't be a small or inexpensive amount of drugs either as it appears that they are worth risking human lives over the products being smuggled. Regardless of your feelings of whether or not drugs should be legal you have to see the risk of violence that takes place in the trade of these drugs. One thing I am glad for is the fact that the US has one of the best anti-drug forces in the world, the DEA, to make sure violent wars like this are kept to a minimum.

Monday, February 9, 2009

A new phenomenon: Microblogging

I learned a new word today and that word is: microblogging. For those who do not know what microblogging is, it is done mainly through social networking web pages like facebook or twitter (which I just found out about today). Microblogging is when you give short status updates which can include anything from what you had for lunch to a cause that you are attempting to promote. It is one of the fastest growing trends but isn't there such thing as microblogging overkill?
I am not a member of the twiter networking sight for a reason; the constant updating that takes place on that sight would drive me absolutely mad. The main difference between twitter and facebook is that twitter is more geared towards users who want to share the details of their life through status changes with everyone in their network. I see facebook as more of an outlet to keep in touch with friends from college who I may not see as much any more.
Many twitter users are updating their status throughout the day so we know what time they wake up, what they ate for breakfast, and other useless details of their mundane lives. Why do some people feel that they are so important that people want to know all the little details in their lives? I am not saying that you are unimportant or that I don't want to ever hear from you I am just saying that the information you are posting is of no use.
If you are updating your status every 15 minutes I think I will have to un-friend you because I don't want to see the CONSTANT changes in your status that facebook so conveniently tells me about. You really are not as interesting as you may feel you are. It is hard to say if you are updating your status too much but I would be bold enough to say that if you have more than 3 updates in a day then you might be doing too much updating of your status.
There is a use for microblogging and it is being used very effectively by some companies and celebrities. Jet Blue and Southwest are some of the smart companies using twitter to advertise the latest deals that they have on flights for other users to take advantage of. Celebs like Brittney Spears and others use twitter to send out information about their latest tours and other things that fans want to know about.
So there is a good way to use the microblogging technology and a useless way to use microblogging technology. Please use microblogging responsibly.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

And just when I thought I couldn't hate Arod more than I already did ........

It came out that he took steroids. Sports Illustrated released an article today that states that Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids during his 2003 MVP year. In 2003 there were no penalties in place for players who tested positive but that does not change the fact that Alex Rodriguez tested positive. The testing program existed in 03 to see how wide the problem of steroids in baseball was and if they would need to reinstate the program in 04 with penalties in place (which they did).
If you ask me there are several main reasons why A rod would take steroids and not of them speak very highly of his character. One of the reasons that A Rod tested positive is that in 03 it was told to the players that the results of this testing would remain anonymous.
The system was not in place to penalize players but instead to determine the extent of the steroid issue and judge what kind of a permanent system should be put into place. When Washington stepped in to 'help' with the steroid issue the list of players who failed the 03 was no longer anonymous and eventually leaked out in this SI article. A rod is a worm and if he knew that there was any way that he would be held accountable for his actions or exposed as the fraud that he is he would have never tried them in the first place. The only reason he did them was because he felt safe in the fact that he had a way where he could cheat and nobody would know about it due to the anonymous nature of the tests. Too bad for A rod we now know the truth.
A seccond reason why Alex would do steroids is because they have an inflating effect on his favorite thing in the world, his stats. I am not saying that A rod does not want to win games but I am saying that no matter what he may say in post game interviews his actions show that he plays for himself and his own stats. When you have a player who cares about winning, look at Jeter for example, they show visual disappointment after not playing up to the level that they expect of themselves. After A rod grounds into a double play with the bases loaded he has a look of disinterest, almost as if he did not just destroy the Yankee's chances of scoring.
Has anyone else noticed that with A Rod ever since he has come to the Yankees everything has to be about him? If it is his affair with that stripper in Toronto, his affair with Madonna there is always something with this guy to take away from the team. I am so sick of him and all the baggage that he carries and feel it is a shame that he has several years remaining on his contract.
Another interesting thing with A Fraud is how many fans used to be rooting him on in his approach of Barry Bonds home run record because Barry's stats are tainted. Now that A Rod is tainted also does that put him in the same category? I do not feel he is hated by fans to the extent that Bonds is, A Rod is seen and accurately portrayed by the media as a self centered jerk but Barry has less respect for the game and at times can be hostile. As much as I dislike A Rod I would still like to see him one day take over Barry Bonds record.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Sean Avery may be making his return to the Rangers

Former Ranger Sean Avery was recently suspended by the league after his disparaging comments about his ex-girlfriend who was dating an oposing player. His quote was, "And I just want to comment on how it's become like a common thing in the NHL for guys to fall in love with my sloppy seconds. I don't know what that's about." After his suspension his team, the Stars, said that they had no interest in having him return to the team based on the way that he "was not smart enough to play in their system" and the fact that his teammates hated him.
Avery has been attending anger management training and is almost through the program that he has been participating in since mid-January. Avery is not the first to attend anger management as I can also recall Ozzie Guillen, manager of the White Sox, attending counseling after his comments calling a reporter a 'fag'. I am not sure how affective this anger management is on some of these people who are involved in sports. Those who seem to make off color comments seem to make them continuously as opposed to changing their attitudes after their management sessions.
Just because Avery has a brash personality does not mean that I would be totally against having him back on the Rangers. He is a main part of what the Rangers are missing right now and that piece is an agitator. The Rangers have the stars on their team but they are lacking the gritty fighter who can get under the skin of an opponent. Since Avery was so brash last year while on the ice for the Rangers I am a little concerned that his counseling may have modified this kind of attitude making him a different kind of player than we have seen in the past.
What I want is the Sean Avery who is able to agitate while on the ice but then be able to seperate that behavior from what he says to reporters. On the ice I want him to be an absolute jerk to the other team but then be able to turn it off when the final whistle blows. Is this possible? I am not sure but, I really hope so because I would love to have him back in that kind of role.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Porn Penatrates some Super Bowl Broadcasts

A story that I have been following for a few days now is the story about the porn clip that some Comcast subscribers saw during 30 seconds of the Super Bowl. After Larry Fitzgerald scored the go ahead touchdown for the Cardinals some cable subscribers in Arizona saw their screen flash to a scene from a porno. Apparently this 'glitch' took place in the non-HD broadcast and the HD broadcasts ran as scheduled.
Some people with children are very affected by this as that can lead to a very awkward situation when watching the game as a family. I even understand why some groups of grown men may be upset with the clip because it took away from some of the game broadcast. What I don't understand is the grown adults who say they are offended by the porn that was shown
Come on people it is time to grow up, most adults have sex and that is nothing to be ashamed of. The porn star who stared in this movie, Wild Cherries 5, agrees with me as she said,"You know what? We all have sex. If we're an adult, guaranteed we've all seen a penis at some point," she said. "I'm sorry to all the parents, other than that we're all grown adults."
Comcast is offering those who complain a ten dollar credit towards their monthly bill. If you ask me this is a pretty weak attempt by Comcast to shut up those who do have viable complaints about what took place during the game. If I was watching this with my young children I would want an apology or and explanation from Comcast as opposed to their cheap discount in an attempt to salvage my business.
This is a story that I plan on keeping an eye on so that I can find out exactly how this took place during the most watched television event of the year. The details of how this stunt was pulled off should be interesting ones to find out about.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ohio State's Alex Boone arrested for drunken incident

I heard this story on the radio today and I just had to find out more information about the situation once I got home and had a chance to use the internet. Former Ohio State tackle Alex Boone was arrested for a drunken outburst where he was jumping up and down on the hoods of cars and attempted to smash the window of a tow truck. So what NFL team wants to take th risk in drafting this gem? (my money is on the Cincinnati Bengals)
The story says that he had to be tasered by officers during his arrest and was combative all through his medical treatment. Even though Alex was not attempting to drive when they gave him the breathalyser test it came up at three times the legal limit of .08 in the state of California. Yes that is correct, he came up at THREE TIMES the legal limit.
That made me think how much would 312 pound Alex Boone have to drink to reach a blood alcohol level of .24? Luckily there is a web page where you can calculate your blood/alcohol level based on your weight and how long you have been drinking. I assumed that Alex had been drinking light beers for three hours, with this assumption in place Alex would have had to have consumed 32 beers in that amount of time to reach the blood/alcohol level of .24.
I have had nights where I will admit that I drank too much but 32 beers is just out of control. Even if you are 312 pounds when you polish off a 30 rack by yourself you know that you may have some issues that need dealing with. At this point became curious, what would my blood/alcohol be if I drank 30 beers in a three hour period? After those 30 beers I would have a blood/alcohol level of .556.
If I was a police officer I would be horrified when I showed up on a scene like this one. There is a 6 foot 8 inch, 312 pound giant, jumping on car hoods and banging on neighbor's garage doors. "Ummmm sir, I would greatly appreciate it if you could stop what you are doing." I hope for Boone's sake that he gets the help that I believe he needs.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Get Ready for the Barry Bonds Saga to continue

One of the things that I enjoyed most about the past baseball season was the absence of Barry Bonds. Unfortunately in the coming days we will be seeing much more of Barry. I have so much disrespect for Bonds that it is hard to put to words. It is fairly obvious to most fans that Bonds used some type of performance enhancing drug on his way to his 762 career home runs. If he would stop his denial of steroid usage then I may regain some respect for the man.
There is something about lying and dishonesty in general that just drives me insane. It is so much easier to come out and admit your wrong doing than to continue living in the pile of lies that Barry has created for himself. If I was voting for admission into the hall of fame I would consider inducting Bonds if he admitted to using steroids and apologized for his actions.
His treatment of the media over the years has been plain and simple terrible. Barry is hostile in his treatment of the media and does not seem to grasp (or my hypothesis him even caring about) the concept that the way he treats the media is the way that he will be portrayed to the people watching him on TVs and reading about him in the papers.
So soon it will be time for his federal trial to begin on March 2nd in San Francisco. He is on trial for lying under oath to a grand jury about his knowledge about steroids and general usage. Currently his ex-trainer Greg Anderson is in prison because of his continued refusal to go in front of the jury to talk about Bonds and his steroid usage. If Bonds had not used steroids then why would his trainer be spending time in jail when all he would have to do was go in front of the jury and tell the truth about his "non steroid use"?
Barry will not be the only one present at this trial as other major leaguers like Garry Sheffield and Jason Giambi will also be asked about BALCO labs and their distribution of steroids. I look forward to the day when Bonds will have to face the music and he is finally exposed for the liar that he is and forced to pay the consequences which can include a good amount of jail time.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Breaking down the Super Bowl

After watching the end of the first half I and almost everybody else saw this game as a foregone conclusion where the Steelers would walk their way to a sixth Super Bowl title. The Cardinals put together a very impressive drive towards the end of the first half but that was when Kurt Warner threw an interception to James Harrison who returned it for a touchdown with a lubering 100 yard run.
Even the third quarter was very one sided as Arizona could not get out of their own way, taking three crucial penalties to elongate a Pittsburgh scoring drive. Not only did these penalties give Pittsburgh points (amazingly only a field goal) but they also took an enormous amount of time off the clock to make it even more difficult for Arizona to have any chance at all. At this point nobody could have predicted the entertaining fourth quarter that America got to see.
The Cardinals were down 20-7 and when they got the ball back for a chance of offense from their own ten yard line it did not look like they would be able to do much, judging their previous offensive performances. One way or another though the Cardinals were able to march down the long field ahead of them and score to make the score 20-14. Later in the fourth quarter one of the rarest plays in the game occurred where the Steelers committed a holding penalty in the end zone causing a safety.
Now we had a game on our hands. Larry Fitzgerald then took a Kurt Warner pass and shredded the two Pitt D backs to score the touchdown that put the Cards ahead. Right as the Cardinals scored this touchdown I took a look at the clock and there was still 2:37 left in the game. It was one quick play down the field from Warner to Fitzgerald and the only problem with the scenario was that it was a QUICK play down the field giving the Steelers ample time to win the game.
The Steelers had now lost all momentum and it did not look promising when they got the ball back. Santonio Holmes went on to dominate at this point in the game where his four key catches led the Steelers to the championship.
Come the end of the fourth quarter it really did not matter who would win the game (although I would have loved to see the Cards pull through on the final drive). If the Steelers won the game then we saw the Cardinals attempt a valiant and very entertaining comeback attempt. If the Cardinals won the game it would have been one of the largest fourth quarter turn around that I have ever seen.
Any way you want to look at it this game that appeared to be dead at the half came back to life to give the country a thriller.