Touching on Everything and Anything

Monday, February 9, 2009

A new phenomenon: Microblogging

I learned a new word today and that word is: microblogging. For those who do not know what microblogging is, it is done mainly through social networking web pages like facebook or twitter (which I just found out about today). Microblogging is when you give short status updates which can include anything from what you had for lunch to a cause that you are attempting to promote. It is one of the fastest growing trends but isn't there such thing as microblogging overkill?
I am not a member of the twiter networking sight for a reason; the constant updating that takes place on that sight would drive me absolutely mad. The main difference between twitter and facebook is that twitter is more geared towards users who want to share the details of their life through status changes with everyone in their network. I see facebook as more of an outlet to keep in touch with friends from college who I may not see as much any more.
Many twitter users are updating their status throughout the day so we know what time they wake up, what they ate for breakfast, and other useless details of their mundane lives. Why do some people feel that they are so important that people want to know all the little details in their lives? I am not saying that you are unimportant or that I don't want to ever hear from you I am just saying that the information you are posting is of no use.
If you are updating your status every 15 minutes I think I will have to un-friend you because I don't want to see the CONSTANT changes in your status that facebook so conveniently tells me about. You really are not as interesting as you may feel you are. It is hard to say if you are updating your status too much but I would be bold enough to say that if you have more than 3 updates in a day then you might be doing too much updating of your status.
There is a use for microblogging and it is being used very effectively by some companies and celebrities. Jet Blue and Southwest are some of the smart companies using twitter to advertise the latest deals that they have on flights for other users to take advantage of. Celebs like Brittney Spears and others use twitter to send out information about their latest tours and other things that fans want to know about.
So there is a good way to use the microblogging technology and a useless way to use microblogging technology. Please use microblogging responsibly.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I don't really need to know what my friends had for lunch. I only want to know about major things that happened to them and not something like I went to the diner tonight.

