Touching on Everything and Anything

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Not to brag or anything like that but my blog has been getting fairly popular and so along with that popularity comes some perks. One of those perks is that from time to time I do get to interview some fairly big celebrities.

Many people saw the A Rod press conference which was quite massive down in Tampa this afternoon. Alex was kind enough to sit down with me and field some more questions following the general press conference.

Greg: Alex, thank you so much for taking the time to sit with me and answer a few questions.

A Rod: Thanks Greg, I really want to use this as an opportunity to make myself look like less of a douche than I actually am

Greg: That’s great A Rod, now you stated before that you were not being honest with yourself during an interview on NBC, what is to say that you are being honest with us now?

A Rod: Good question, honesty is such a relative term, does it really matter if I am being honest with everyone? You know I think Shakespeare said it best, “Love thyself last: cherish those hearts that hate thee; Corruption wins not more than honesty.”

Greg: Uhhhh, okay then. What kind of a message are you sending to kids through your actions?

A Rod: I’m not a role model, I have never met one child who looks up to me and says, “A Rod you are my hero”, and parents gotta do a better job and control their damn kids

Greg: Not too sure about the role model thing Alex but let’s keep this moving, You looked pretty emotional when talking about your team mates and what you are putting them through can you comment further on that?

A Rod: I am a great team player and I always will be, I come through in the clutch like it’s my job and every team mate I have loves me for it.

Greg: Well I am not sure about your clutch performance, in the past three playoff appearances you have hit a combined .136

A Rod: Hey now, don’t start throwing numbers around, those are meaningless in meaningless situations

Greg: Whatever, Why would you be sorry if you don’t consider what you did cheating?

A Rod: I’m sorry I got caught, plain and simple, and that’s it. I’m not sorry I did roids.

Greg: Wow, You mention your cousin a lot, do you feel like you are throwing him under the bus?

A Rod: That’s just terrible, why would I throw my own flesh and blood under a moving automobile. I am simply shifting any blame I can in his direction, no manslaughter would ever take place.

Greg: I know you are a very busy man I have just one more question, do you feel this steroid issue is over?

A Rod: Oh it’s over and I refuse to answer any more steroid questions, I have a date with Madonna, I’ve got to run.

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