Touching on Everything and Anything

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My take on the new Yankee Stadium

As an avid Yankee fan I can not wait to see the new stadium. This does not mean that I was in favor of them building one in the first place because the old Yankee Stadium was one of baseball's shrines and should have been kept active. I don't see Fenway or Wrigley going away any time soon and Yankee Stadium should have been the same way. I will even admit that the food and luxury amenities at the old Yankee Stadium stunk but, that is one of the reasons I loved it so much, let me explain.
When I go to a ball game I go to watch the game, not to sip high priced cocktails and mingle with people while watching the game on a TV screen inside the stadium. At the old Yankee Stadium there was not much to do inside the stadium other than sitting in your seats and watching the game. With the stadium this way it drew fans, like myself, that enjoyed this type of atmosphere of pure baseball with few distractions. I feel that the new Yankee Stadium may have too many distractions that cater to a different kind of fan base.
The new stadium will have things like luxury, outdoor and party suites, club seats, a martini bar, steakhouse and picnic areas. As a baseball purist these things are all garbage in my opinion. It takes away from the game that is being played on the field itself and that is just a shame. I understand why the Yankees built this new atmosphere in the new stadium, the almighty dollar, but that does not make what they are doing right.
Apparently I am not the fan that the Yankees are looking for . When I go to a game I take the train to avoid the crazy parking prices. Then I eat some dinner across the street from the stadium near Stan's sports bar. The hot dogs are two dollars as opposed to the 5 or 6 bucks you pay once you cross the street. I also bring food and a drink with me into the ball park itself. I never buy any kind of souvenir from inside the stadium (if I want something I would just get it from the local Moddell's). The games that I do go to are part of the 11 game package where the upper deck seats are only 5 bucks.
Seeing everything about the new Yankee Stadium goes pretty much directly against what I enjoy as a fan. Don't get me wrong the 56 by 101 foot high def video screen in the outfield will be nice but the atmosphere will not be the same as the old Yankee Stadium that I came to love.

1 comment:

  1. I'm liking the new blog, Hirshorn. I'm hoping to start one myself sometime soon...

    I expect a post with your opinion on the Rangers' way of dealing with their slump by firing Renney.

    Take care, bud.

    R. Daley
