Touching on Everything and Anything

Saturday, February 7, 2009

And just when I thought I couldn't hate Arod more than I already did ........

It came out that he took steroids. Sports Illustrated released an article today that states that Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids during his 2003 MVP year. In 2003 there were no penalties in place for players who tested positive but that does not change the fact that Alex Rodriguez tested positive. The testing program existed in 03 to see how wide the problem of steroids in baseball was and if they would need to reinstate the program in 04 with penalties in place (which they did).
If you ask me there are several main reasons why A rod would take steroids and not of them speak very highly of his character. One of the reasons that A Rod tested positive is that in 03 it was told to the players that the results of this testing would remain anonymous.
The system was not in place to penalize players but instead to determine the extent of the steroid issue and judge what kind of a permanent system should be put into place. When Washington stepped in to 'help' with the steroid issue the list of players who failed the 03 was no longer anonymous and eventually leaked out in this SI article. A rod is a worm and if he knew that there was any way that he would be held accountable for his actions or exposed as the fraud that he is he would have never tried them in the first place. The only reason he did them was because he felt safe in the fact that he had a way where he could cheat and nobody would know about it due to the anonymous nature of the tests. Too bad for A rod we now know the truth.
A seccond reason why Alex would do steroids is because they have an inflating effect on his favorite thing in the world, his stats. I am not saying that A rod does not want to win games but I am saying that no matter what he may say in post game interviews his actions show that he plays for himself and his own stats. When you have a player who cares about winning, look at Jeter for example, they show visual disappointment after not playing up to the level that they expect of themselves. After A rod grounds into a double play with the bases loaded he has a look of disinterest, almost as if he did not just destroy the Yankee's chances of scoring.
Has anyone else noticed that with A Rod ever since he has come to the Yankees everything has to be about him? If it is his affair with that stripper in Toronto, his affair with Madonna there is always something with this guy to take away from the team. I am so sick of him and all the baggage that he carries and feel it is a shame that he has several years remaining on his contract.
Another interesting thing with A Fraud is how many fans used to be rooting him on in his approach of Barry Bonds home run record because Barry's stats are tainted. Now that A Rod is tainted also does that put him in the same category? I do not feel he is hated by fans to the extent that Bonds is, A Rod is seen and accurately portrayed by the media as a self centered jerk but Barry has less respect for the game and at times can be hostile. As much as I dislike A Rod I would still like to see him one day take over Barry Bonds record.

1 comment:

  1. At least he came out and said he did it and he was sorry. I give him credit for that. And also these reslut's should have never been revealed.

