Touching on Everything and Anything

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Outrage over Philly police murders

Over the past few days some people have expressed anger and have began protests over the cartoon that ran this past Wednesday in the New York Post. The cartoon depicts two police officers looking at each other after one shot a chimp and saying to his friend, "They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill". The cartoon artist has been called racist for comparing Obama to a chimp but his defense is that he was going for the angle of monkey business and not a racial angle. I can understand being upset over this cartoon but is being outraged and going on an all out war against the Post needed?
I am not trying to defend this cartoon in any way shape or form but if you are going to be outraged over something there are a lot more egregious things going on every day that get over looked by many individuals. How about the situation in Philadelphia, there is what I would call a crisis taking place there right now in the recent murder rate of the police officers. When I hear about a tragic murder of an officer in the line of duty it seems that all too often the City of Philagelphia is at the center of the story.
The recent tragedy was the murder of Officer John Pawlowski who was shot to death on Valentines Day by Rasheed Scrugs. Pawlowski was going to break up a street fight that had began and was shot twice by Scrugs with his partner being injured in the ambush as well. And what do you know this wasn't Scrugs first brush with the law. He has a decade-long rap sheet includes several aliases and multiple arrests for theft, robbery and gun crimes.
The fact that this man was free and had a gun of his own is something that I am outraged over. I am outraged over something like this because it caused the loss of an officers life and is just the latest example of the crisis in Philadelphia. It seems that many of the citizens lack any respect for the officers that are in place for their own safety. It further upsets me because I know that this will not be the last time that any of this garbage happens because it has been such a continuous problem in that area.

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