Touching on Everything and Anything

Monday, February 2, 2009

Get Ready for the Barry Bonds Saga to continue

One of the things that I enjoyed most about the past baseball season was the absence of Barry Bonds. Unfortunately in the coming days we will be seeing much more of Barry. I have so much disrespect for Bonds that it is hard to put to words. It is fairly obvious to most fans that Bonds used some type of performance enhancing drug on his way to his 762 career home runs. If he would stop his denial of steroid usage then I may regain some respect for the man.
There is something about lying and dishonesty in general that just drives me insane. It is so much easier to come out and admit your wrong doing than to continue living in the pile of lies that Barry has created for himself. If I was voting for admission into the hall of fame I would consider inducting Bonds if he admitted to using steroids and apologized for his actions.
His treatment of the media over the years has been plain and simple terrible. Barry is hostile in his treatment of the media and does not seem to grasp (or my hypothesis him even caring about) the concept that the way he treats the media is the way that he will be portrayed to the people watching him on TVs and reading about him in the papers.
So soon it will be time for his federal trial to begin on March 2nd in San Francisco. He is on trial for lying under oath to a grand jury about his knowledge about steroids and general usage. Currently his ex-trainer Greg Anderson is in prison because of his continued refusal to go in front of the jury to talk about Bonds and his steroid usage. If Bonds had not used steroids then why would his trainer be spending time in jail when all he would have to do was go in front of the jury and tell the truth about his "non steroid use"?
Barry will not be the only one present at this trial as other major leaguers like Garry Sheffield and Jason Giambi will also be asked about BALCO labs and their distribution of steroids. I look forward to the day when Bonds will have to face the music and he is finally exposed for the liar that he is and forced to pay the consequences which can include a good amount of jail time.

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